2 UMMA Objects
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This photograph shows a young boy in overalls and standing before a wooden house missing his right arm.
Lewis W. Hine (American (North American))
Luther - 16 yrs. old. Right arm was cut off by a running saw in a box factory. Now attending school.
1908 – 1910
Museum Purchase
This  figure stands in a dynamic pose with knees slightly flexed. This androgynous figure sports a European-style hat, a crescent-shaped beard, and a realistically carved penis. The figure has gracefully curved shoulders and powerful legs. The feet and the arms, originally bent at ninety degrees, have been damaged. Most Bwende figures bear forms of scarification; this figure is no exception. Ornate scarifications are carved in relief upon its abdomen and torso while lined scarifications appear across the chest and forehead and beneath the eyes, which are inlaid with white shell. Most strikingly, however, are the two large metal rods that forcefully pierce the figure's abdomen.
Bwende (Bwende)
Power Figure
1885 – 1895
Gift of Candis and Helmut Stern